Speech mapping module

Exceptional analysis and measurement tools for excellent fitting results

Speech mapping allows you to visually demonstrate hearing instrument benefits so that your customers can experience the difference first-hand, right away.

A large selection of sound samples or external sound input, alternatively assists you during tests and demonstrations. The percentile analysis function enables fittings for non-linear hearing instruments. Both, closed and open fittings are supported as well as using the 2cc-coupler as an ear-simulator.

Speech mapping screen

Use this screen to visualize how the hearing instruments process live speech, recorded speech or any other noise. You can also demonstrate hearing instrument features such as noise reduction or directionality, and explain their effects to your client.

Percentile analysis screen

This screen allows you to visually display and analyze the dynamic range of live signals that are processed by the hearing instruments. Its analysis includes the whole spectrum of broadband sound signals. Percentile analysis also provides means to adjust the hearing instruments for both the loud and the soft parts of a speech signal.

Percentile analysis screen can be used to show either bilateral measurement results or can be combined with other views such like the On-Target-View to see more easily whether the LTASS curve is matching the target already or not.

For more information and technical data please download our brochure.

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