Real ear measurement

Fast, individual fitting for the real world

Unity 4’s real ear measurement module delivers real-world test results with exceptional features and measurement options.

REM probe with patient and audiologist

The adjustable probe microphone system enables easy placement. Binaural measurements can be performed simultaneously to improve your workflow. And the module is IMC 2 compatible and interfaces with most manufacturers AutoREM solution for the fastest possible individual fitting.

In combination with the Unity 3 HIT Unit or alternatively the LS Mini Speaker with RECD Air Kit both, the REM and Speech Mapping Module also supported all measurements in the 2cc coupler.

A perfect fit for precise results.

The new, iconic fitting unit and the stackable REM speaker provide a perfect set up for REM measurements right from your desktop. The new probe microphones deliver perfect measurement results and thanks to the rubber band fixation, they can be flexibly adjusted to fit any ear: No matter what the size or form, they sit comfortable and securely, even when testing children.
With the hearing aid transition mode, new devices can be easily adapted to an already proven and acceptable gain or output response setting. The measured gain or output response of the old device serves as the target curve for the new fittings. Both, closed and open fittings are supported.

Testing and evaluation options:

Possible measurements:
Unaided, aided, occluded, insertion gain and RECD.

Practical test signals:
ISTS, ISTS-MPO, ILTASS, ICRA and access to large sound library

Applicable prescription formula:
NAL-NL2, DSLv5, NAL-NL1, Half-Gain, Third-Gain
Hearing aid transition function and manual target input.

Selectable views:
Gain, Output, Input, On-Target-View, Combined Views

Real Ear Insertion Gain View

With a binaural view of real-time measurement data up to 16 kHz, this screen visualizes all the necessary information to adjust the gain curves to the targets.

Screenshot Unity

Combined views

The option of displaying different views combined on the screen, here for example the output levels and the on-target view, increases the efficiency of the fitting and offers a valuable tool for hearing aid fitting. In the on-target view the deviation of the measured LTASS curve from the target curve is projected in a diagram against a normalized target line (Zero-line). This makes it easy to determine whether the fitting is within tolerance.

Screenshot Unity

For more information and technical data please download our Unity 4 brochure

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